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Friday Afternoon Tea



Regular price $ 11.00
Regular price Sale price $ 11.00
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This blend is part of our Horror collection. Check out the entire delicious collection here!

Quoth the raven, Nevermore...

This medium-bodied, floral black tea is designed especially for you bibliophiles. High caffeine levels prepare you for those all-night study sessions and sharpen your focus while you devour the written word. Also fabulous while you read (or reread) your favorite novel, curled up in your favorite armchair or reading nook.

Ingredients: Black tea, white tea, blue cornflower

Approximately 75mg of caffeine per cup

Steep at 195° F or 90.5°C for 2-4 min

Blend by Friday

This blend is available 9/1-12/3 in our Fall fandom rotation!

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